Over 20 years of experience partnering with police, security, and law enforcement agencies.

Customs and Border Protection

On the borders you need to be able to read virtually any identity document you are given from any traveller. Whether identity cards, passports or boarding passes the Grabba can read them all. Completely battery powered means it can be used anywhere such as a ship or a remote border crossing.

Immigration Checks

Confirming identity and residency status can be difficult in the field. Grabba makes it possible because of the mobility of the smartphones and the portability of the Grabba technology platform that can be attached to the smartphone.

Policing and First Responder

At a simple traffic stop or an emergency, knowing precisely who you are dealing with can be vital to public safety. Wherever the scene is located you can use a Grabba to do identity confirmation and verify you have the right person. You can also read the fingerprints of the person for a criminal check.

Identity Fraud and Age Verification

An important area of public safety and confidence is confirming whether identity documents are fraudulent. The Grabba can read virtually any identity document and send the data to a central database for verification. Fraudulent documents are often seen in areas where age restrictions apply and the Grabba can help prevent underage entry.

Emergency Response and Evacuation

In times of emergency evacuations, sometimes the evacuees have very little identification and they are repatriated to areas where there is no permanent Law Enforcement presence. With the Grabba, identity checks using whatever identification is available can be verified with local or global databases at the evacuation point, the point of departure or the point of arrival.


“Grabba is a trusted technology partner over the long term having supported mission critical programs & Identity security at border & internal locations for CBP.”

Program Manager, CBP Mobile, US Customs and Border Protection


“Gave our officers the capability to do law enforcement and biometric queries on a smartphone”

From the CBP publication “Frontline” Vol 9 Issue 3


“The Grabba does not require any additional specialised equipment – it’s an efficient device that officers on the frontline say is having an impact.”

From the CBP publication “Frontline” Vol 4, Issue 2


Our devices are small, portable, lightweight and packed with identity data capture technologies.

  • X-Series.

    A rugged and certified device with options to include all our technology components.

  • A-Series.

    Portable biometric enrolment device with FAP50 or FAP60 fingerprint scanner.

  • S-Series.

    FAP 10 Fingerprint and Smartcard Reader in a slim and rugged device.


Best of breed biometric, identity authentication, and data capture components.

  • Facial Biometrics

    Powerful algorithms for face detection, identification and authentication.

  • Iris Scanners

    Single and dual iris capture and recognition in a portable module.

  • Fingerprint Scanners

    One to ten fingers in amazing high resolution and accurate detail.

  • Passport Readers

    High frequency RFID and MRZ reader for scanning all types of passports.

  • Smartcard Readers

    Fast transaction times and support for all major smartcard formats.

How can we help?

Contact Grabba

Grabba has over 20 years of experience in the design, creation, and implementation of data capture and identification technologies.

We’re driven by a passion for R&D and delivering solutions that efficiently, accurately and securely fulfil our customers missions.