Fingerprint Scanners

Jenetric Livetouch Quattro Compact – FAP60

Combines unmatched user friendliness with high quality fingerprint images. The integrated touch screen provides easy to understand instructions that reduce failure to enrol rates and shorten the capture process.

By |2023-03-03T06:11:00+10:00January 20, 2023|Fingerprint Scanners|Comments Off on Jenetric Livetouch Quattro Compact – FAP60

Integrated Biometrics Five-0 – FAP50

Equipped with Integrated Biometrics’ LES film-based sensing technology, this device can scan single flats/rolls as well as four-print slaps in high quality even if the fingers are visibly dirty or dry.

By |2023-02-23T01:51:46+10:00January 20, 2023|Fingerprint Scanners|Comments Off on Integrated Biometrics Five-0 – FAP50

Integrated Biometrics Sherlock – FAP45

Certified Appendix F by the FBI, this module uses patented light-emitting sensor (LES) technology from Integrated Biometrics to capture up to two finger flats or single finger rolls, allowing mobile 10-finger enrolment and verifications. The scanner works in all lighting conditions and in high-volume situations even if the fingers are visibly dirty or dry, while automatically rejecting common spoofing attacks.

By |2023-02-25T10:22:41+10:00January 20, 2023|Fingerprint Scanners|Comments Off on Integrated Biometrics Sherlock – FAP45

Idemia CBM Series – FAP10

Certified PIV IQS by the FBI, the large 14 x 22mm surface uses IDEMIA’s patented optical technology for an optimised single flat fingerprint image. Biometric algorithms process the image directly on the embedded processor for exceptional speed and accuracy, with in-built security, including fake finger detection.

By |2023-03-03T07:55:09+10:00January 20, 2023|Fingerprint Scanners|Comments Off on Idemia CBM Series – FAP10
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